Sunday, January 18, 2009

Brazilian Wax Hemerrhoid

TO Vierne, 57X66, 5cm, oil, wood, 2009

the young at heart , 40X28cm,

Friday, January 16, 2009

Why Am I Blpwing My Nose All The Time?

It was nice and very dangerous doll ;-)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Baytronix Telescope Directions

Pure adrenaline!

So friends,

time comes. Coming events cast their shadows. True to the motto: "Pack your swimming costume, take your little sister and then we go to Rutscheeen ..." I packed my bathing suit, left my sister at home and went to slip. 7 garandiose, thrilling, exciting, breathtaking, freeze one's blood in the veins of boiler, the adrenaline levels increase up to infinity let border and especially saulustige slides I was able to test and are as good or spectacular. Apart

by many bruises, a punctured arms and webbed toes, the time has pretty fun.

If your in this "Cool" want to have some experience: Tomorrow, Wednesday, 19:05 clock, Galileo Pro7.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

How Long Should A Personal Statement Be

shoulder pain?

Dear friends,

many of you know this for sure: New Year's Eve is over, the party to, the move was indeed difficult and lack of friends is long, but I passed, and then you wake up in the morning , and notes: ". Yes, I'm getting older Maybe I should have not all sparkling wine, the eight cases of beer or the washing machine alone to bear on the sixth floor" pain

The shoulder and the back and - for lack of friends - the massage because of the captured party credit is priceless. Here is remedied be.

I have taken for the benefit of humanity once the odyssey of a back pain patient with me and let me film him, so that you - dear friends - next time know what to do. For those who feel

now addressed, I refer to SWR's - television, tonight, 22:00 clock, Odysso!

Let me know if I could help - the 10 € practice fee will of course be taken over by the GEZ.