Thursday, December 31, 2009

Does Jeffree Star Has A Dick?

HIP-HOP od THE YELLOW SPORT SHOES , 57.0 x 57.0 cm, oil timber , 2009

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Home Phone Service Providers Ontario

Scala Scala Servlets

A nice example of how familiar Java programming "feels" in Scala are Servlets :
 package com.muchsoft.scala.servlets 

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet import javax.servlet.http
. HttpServletRequest {=> Request, HttpServletResponse
=> Response}

MeinErstesScalaServlet class extends HttpServlet {override def

doGet (request: Request, response: response) {

val output =
\u0026lt; head> Scala \u0026lt;title> Hello \u0026lt;/ title> \u0026lt;/ head>
\u0026lt;h1> Scala Hello World \u0026lt;/ h1>
\u0026lt;/ body>
\u0026lt;/ html>

response.getWriter (). Print (output)
The looks around as Java, right? Not quite: When importing we can make Redefinitions that override before the method definition is mandatory, also a key word and no annotation. The return type of method doGet () is not specified and thus corresponds to the Java void. For Scala we had before the opening curly Clamp methods : Unit = can write. doGet

Within () we put the issue on XML literal (as non-modifiable value val; with var scale variables, one tries to avoid in functional languages). This XML literal, we write as usual in the output stream of the Response object. The type of output is scala.xml.Elem .

The structure of the web application corresponding to the JavaEE standard:

of the Scala compiler produces Java byte code ends up in WEB-INF/classes . The Scala standard library scala-library.jar be delivered (from the Scala installation directory) must be in WEB-INF/lib with. In WEB-INF/web.xml we map the class com.muchsoft.scala.servlets.MeinErstesScalaServlet to the URL "hallo.scala. After you deploy (deployment), for example in Tomcat or GlassFish the servlet in the Web browser will be invoked with the URL http://localhost:8080/halloscala/hallo.scala .

To compile the servlet class must have the servlet API on the build path (class path) are located. This can be done servlet example from the Tomcat installation directory -api.jar or from the GlassFish directory javaee.jar embed as an external library.

Now we improve the first Scala Servlet and separate display and control each other a little better:
 MeinZweitesScalaServlet class extends HttpServlet {

def output =
\u0026lt;head> \u0026lt;title> Scala Hello \u0026lt;/ title> !; \u0026lt;/ head>
\u0026lt;h1> Scala Hello World \u0026lt;/ h1>
\u0026lt;p> time on the server: {now} \u0026lt;/ p>
\u0026lt;/ body>
\u0026lt;/ html>

def now = new java.util.Date

override def doGet (request: Request, response: response) {.
response.getWriter () print (output)
output is now a function outside of doGet () , which relies on the function now to output a current time stamp. Both functions are defined without parameters brackets and must be called without parentheses. If we had defined the parameters of functions with empty parentheses, we could have chosen it when you call us not if we write down the brackets or. It has been the convention developed to omit the brackets in the definition, if a function, no side effects (side effects) has.

for a "full" web application is missing a form. Here we go:
 MeinDrittesScalaServlet class extends HttpServlet {

def output (username: String) =
\u0026lt;head> \u0026lt;title> Scala Hello World \u0026lt;/ title> \u0026lt;/ head>
\u0026lt;body> ;
\u0026lt;h1> Hello {username} \u0026lt;/ h1>
\u0026lt;p> time on the Server: {now} \u0026lt;/ p>
\u0026lt;form method="get" action="hallo3.scala">
\u0026lt;p> What's your name?
\u0026lt;input name="benutzer"
/> \u0026lt;input type="submit" value="Submit"
/> \u0026lt;/ p>
\u0026lt;/ form>
\u0026lt;/ body>
\u0026lt; / html>

def now = new java.util.Date

override def doGet (request: Request, response: response) {val

param = getParameter request "user"

val = username
if ((param == null) is mapped in web.xml

to the URL "hallo3.scala" may be the call in the local application server with

In practice, you probably do not servlets programming more direct, but a framework like Struts

JSF, Wicket etc. . Insert We see here but well, how easy it into existing Java-Scala (web) applications can integrate. And if you want to develop web applications really functional, you can use the Scala Lift framework.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

My Mom Blocked Number

ECMAScript 5

Until a few years ago you had to regularly point out, that
JavaScript, and JavaScript as the programming language has been - despite Objektbasierung and functional aspects - not taken seriously. With Web 2.0 and Ajax
this is definitely different for some time. JavaScript is accepted in the front end, and there are no serious discussions over whether to disable it in the browser.
RIA is not without JavaScript. A week ago, now the specification of ECMAScript 5 , the official standard for JavaScript was released. The new ECMAScript version was released almost exactly ten years after the last release, ECMAScript 3 (Version 4 was omitted). Besides many small improvements and a "strict" mode is now JSON me for ECMAScript is interesting in that it is now over ten years ago that I used for the web browser iCab a JavaScript engine (interpreter), first based on ECMAScript 2, after 1999, then developed based on ECMAScript 3 had. iCab has its rendering engine (and thus the JavaScript runtime environment) but now switched to Apple's WebKit , but the implementation of such a core browser component gave a great insight behind the scenes look at the technical, like the Web up to (and even) now works. How time flies ...

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Pinewood Derby Car Star Wars Templates

Hello Java EE 6! Galileo

Three and a half years after the Sun Java EE 5 has announced the final specification of Java EE released six
. Part of which include the specifications for EJB 3.1, JPA 2.0 and JSF 2.0.
The download of the Java EE 6 SDK contains the Application Server GlassFish v3 as a reference implementation (in addition to examples with documentation).
is also available at the JEE 6 and GlassFish v3 custom development environment NetBeans 6.8
. Eclipse users find the appropriate plugin.
who already Java enterprise projects developed on the basis of JEE 5, the conversion should not go to the new version too difficult - if the application server used
A three-part introduction to Java EE 6 Sun published here.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Uncommon Wedding Readings

Eclipse 3.5, software updates, and proxy connections as

Depending on the network environment with Eclipse, there are always problems when you install plug-ins (via the menu Help> Install New Software ... ) and the automatic updating of installed extensions (via Help> Check for Updates
). Reason usually are proxies of the Eclipse did not support use protocols, and spend firewalls that separate certificates for https connections.
If you have the certificate of the firewall (usually a file with the extension *. cer ), you can import it into the keystore of the Java installation. Which Java Installation of Eclipse is used, you can find under About Eclipse> installation details> Configuration
. Under Windows, the call of the
keytool command line command such as
C: \\ \\ Program Files \\ Java jre6 \\ bin \\ import keytool-v
-file PfadZumZertifikat "changeit is the default password of the keystore, if you have not changed.
Another problem is posed
NTLMv2 proxy server, since the Eclipse 3.5 can not be directly supported. In addition to the proper setup to add the proxy address and authentication data under Preferences> General> Network Connections in the file must eclipse.ini (in the Eclipse program directory) at the end
following line:
-Dorge . eclipse.ecf.provider.filetransfer.excludeContributors = org.eclipse.ecf.provider.filetransfer.httpclient it was in Eclipse 3.5 in the above Preferences page also necessary in the "Active provider" set to "Native". In Eclipse 3.5.1 works set to "Manual".