Sunday, January 31, 2010

Herpes Virus And Escorts

Closures in

supported as functional language Scala higher-order functions (first-class functions) and functional outcomes ( Closures ). In the review of Closures in JavaFXScript I had already shown how there Closures are defined and used. How to program in Scala Closures now?
 / / closures1.scala 

def zaehlerMitStartwert (starting value: Int): (() => Int) = {var n = start value

def nplus1 (): Int = {n = n +1, n}

val = next1 zaehlerMitStartwert (10)
val = next2 zaehlerMitStartwert (20)

println (next1 ()) println
(next2 ()) println
(next2 ()) println
(next1 ())
We define a function zaehlerMitStartwert () that the over starting value as the parameter gets Int. Return of this function is a function that has no parameters and returns an int value.

within the outer function, we create a counter variable n to because of the transfer parameters starting value is immutable. Then we define a nested function nplus1 () , the n to the count variable one better one and returns as the ultimate expression of the function, the incremented n . Here, instead of the function of accounts - the binding of the variable n , which is defined as a local variable in the outer function. As a final expression in the outer function, we give the function nplus1 as a result.

The whole is a bit shorter and "functional" when the inner function does not explicitly defined, but as a final expression of the outer function like writing down an appropriate function literal:
 / / closures2.scala 

def zaehlerMitStartwert (starting value: Int ) = {var n = start value

() => {N = n +1, n}}

val = next1 zaehlerMitStartwert (10)
val = next2 zaehlerMitStartwert (20)

println (next1 ()) println
(next2 ()) println
(next2 ()) println
(next1 ())
Both scripts provide the same output:
 HeartOfGold: ~ $ scala much closures2.scala 

11 21 22

When the Scala interpreter with scala-savecompiled closures2 . scala calls, you get a JAR archive, where you can look at the generated Java bytecode files. In this case, four class files are generated.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Anyone Have Cervix High During Period

A wonderful 2010!

Hello People,
in 2010 and again so incredibly funky? While other
fly to Mars, we labor from at minus 2 degrees with the direction, suddenly realize that salt starts even before the oil and surprised us with a winter that was until 10 years ago is still normal.

order again Let me be clear: In the winter, and snow fall - summer tires ahoy!

Well, first of all a happy new year to all. I hope 2010 will be just as tense as in 2009 - is it a good year.

A great December is behind me, with much Work, but with just as many great events, meetings and Be .... Be .... Well .... especially people was packed.
THE highlight was certainly the 5 days in Serfaus-Fiss-Ladis, that I have been with the team of 1,2 or 3. While it was very cold (it was cold !!!), but I have for the first time the boards that mean the world to enter may. Great.
Not to mention also my 45min. Improv session with the heights in front of Cologne main station - so to speak, as a birthday gift - or freezing in the light lycra panties 8Grad to lock-in castle. You see, it's still colder!
I would love to see you all this year to as often as possible.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Sailboat Size For Crossing The Atlantic

BAD, 120X130 cm, oil depot, 2010