HIP-HOP od THE YELLOW SPORT SHOES , 57.0 x 57.0 cm, oil timber , 2009
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Home Phone Service Providers Ontario
Scala Scala Servlets
A nice example of how familiar Java programming "feels" in Scala are Servlets :
The structure of the web application corresponding to the JavaEE standard:
of the Scala compiler produces Java byte code ends up in
To compile the servlet class must have the servlet API on the build path (class path) are located. This can be done servlet example from the Tomcat installation directory
Now we improve the first Scala Servlet and separate display and control each other a little better:
for a "full" web application is missing a form. Here we go:
A nice example of how familiar Java programming "feels" in Scala are Servlets :
package com.muchsoft.scala.servletsThe looks around as Java, right? Not quite: When importing we can make Redefinitions that
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet import javax.servlet.http
. HttpServletRequest {=> Request, HttpServletResponse
=> Response}
MeinErstesScalaServlet class extends HttpServlet {override def
doGet (request: Request, response: response) {
val output =
\u0026lt; head> Scala \u0026lt;title> Hello \u0026lt;/ title> \u0026lt;/ head>
\u0026lt;h1> Scala Hello World \u0026lt;/ h1>
\u0026lt;/ body>
\u0026lt;/ html>
response.getWriter (). Print (output)
override before the method definition is mandatory, also a key word and no annotation. The return type of method doGet ()
is not specified and thus corresponds to the Java
void. For Scala we had before the opening curly Clamp methods : Unit =
can write. doGet Within
we put the issue on XML literal
(as non-modifiable value
val; with var
scale variables, one tries to avoid in functional languages). This XML literal, we write as usual in the output stream of the Response object. The type of output
is scala.xml.Elem
. The structure of the web application corresponding to the JavaEE standard:
of the Scala compiler produces Java byte code ends up in
. The Scala standard library scala-library.jar
be delivered (from the Scala installation directory) must be in WEB-INF/lib
with. In WEB-INF/web.xml
we map the class
com.muchsoft.scala.servlets.MeinErstesScalaServlet to the URL "hallo.scala. After you deploy (deployment), for example in Tomcat or GlassFish the servlet in the Web browser will be invoked with the URL http://localhost:8080/halloscala/hallo.scala . To compile the servlet class must have the servlet API on the build path (class path) are located. This can be done servlet example from the Tomcat installation directory
or from the GlassFish directory javaee.jar
embed as an external library. Now we improve the first Scala Servlet and separate display and control each other a little better:
MeinZweitesScalaServlet class extends HttpServlet {
def output =
\u0026lt;head> \u0026lt;title> Scala Hello \u0026lt;/ title> !; \u0026lt;/ head>
\u0026lt;h1> Scala Hello World \u0026lt;/ h1>
\u0026lt;p> time on the server: {now} \u0026lt;/ p>
\u0026lt;/ body>
\u0026lt;/ html>
def now = new java.util.Date
override def doGet (request: Request, response: response) {.
response.getWriter () print (output)
is now a function outside of doGet ()
, which relies on the function now
to output a current time stamp. Both functions are defined without parameters brackets and must be called without parentheses. If we had defined the parameters of functions with empty parentheses, we could have chosen it when you call us not if we write down the brackets or. It has been the convention developed to omit the brackets in the definition, if a function, no side effects (side effects) has. for a "full" web application is missing a form. Here we go:
MeinDrittesScalaServlet class extends HttpServlet {JSF, Wicket
def output (username: String) =
\u0026lt;head> \u0026lt;title> Scala Hello World \u0026lt;/ title> \u0026lt;/ head>
\u0026lt;body> ;
\u0026lt;h1> Hello {username} \u0026lt;/ h1>
\u0026lt;p> time on the Server: {now} \u0026lt;/ p>
\u0026lt;form method="get" action="hallo3.scala">
\u0026lt;p> What's your name?
\u0026lt;input name="benutzer"
/> \u0026lt;input type="submit" value="Submit"
/> \u0026lt;/ p>
\u0026lt;/ form>
\u0026lt;/ body>
\u0026lt; / html>
def now = new java.util.Date
override def doGet (request: Request, response: response) {val
param = getParameter request "user"
val = username
if ((param == null) is mapped in web.xml
to the URL "hallo3.scala" may be the call in the local application server with
In practice, you probably do not servlets programming more direct, but a framework like Struts
etc. . Insert We see here but well, how easy it into existing Java-Scala (web) applications can integrate. And if you want to develop web applications really functional, you can use the Scala Lift
Saturday, December 12, 2009
My Mom Blocked Number
ECMAScript 5
Until a few years ago you had to regularly point out, that Java
this is definitely different for some time. JavaScript is accepted in the front end, and there are no serious discussions over whether to disable it in the browser.
RIA is not without JavaScript. A week ago, now the specification of ECMAScript 5 , the official standard for JavaScript was released. The new ECMAScript version was released almost exactly ten years after the last release, ECMAScript 3 (Version 4 was omitted). Besides many small improvements and a "strict" mode is now JSON
Until a few years ago you had to regularly point out, that Java
JavaScript, and JavaScript as the programming language has been - despite Objektbasierung and functional aspects - not taken seriously. With Web 2.0
and Ajax this is definitely different for some time. JavaScript is accepted in the front end, and there are no serious discussions over whether to disable it in the browser.
RIA is not without JavaScript. A week ago, now the specification of ECMAScript 5 , the official standard for JavaScript was released. The new ECMAScript version was released almost exactly ten years after the last release, ECMAScript 3 (Version 4 was omitted). Besides many small improvements and a "strict" mode is now JSON
included in the standard. With this data format can compact JavaScript objects are transmitted through the network.
me for ECMAScript is interesting in that it is now over ten years ago that I used for the web browser iCab a JavaScript engine (interpreter), first based on ECMAScript 2, after 1999, then developed based on ECMAScript 3 had. iCab has its rendering engine (and thus the JavaScript runtime environment) but now switched to Apple's WebKit , but the implementation of such a core browser component gave a great insight behind the scenes look at the technical, like the Web up to (and even) now works. How time flies ...
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Pinewood Derby Car Star Wars Templates
Hello Java EE 6! Galileo
Three and a half years after the Sun Java EE 5 has announced the final specification of Java EE released six
. Part of which include the specifications for EJB 3.1, JPA 2.0 and JSF 2.0.
The download of the Java EE 6 SDK contains the Application Server GlassFish v3 as a reference implementation (in addition to examples with documentation).
is also available at the JEE 6 and GlassFish v3 custom development environment NetBeans 6.8
. Eclipse users find the appropriate plugin.
who already Java enterprise projects developed on the basis of JEE 5, the conversion should not go to the new version too difficult - if the application server used
Three and a half years after the Sun Java EE 5 has announced the final specification of Java EE released six
. Part of which include the specifications for EJB 3.1, JPA 2.0 and JSF 2.0.
The download of the Java EE 6 SDK contains the Application Server GlassFish v3 as a reference implementation (in addition to examples with documentation).
is also available at the JEE 6 and GlassFish v3 custom development environment NetBeans 6.8
. Eclipse users find the appropriate plugin.
who already Java enterprise projects developed on the basis of JEE 5, the conversion should not go to the new version too difficult - if the application server used
compatible with the new specification.
A three-part introduction to Java EE 6 Sun published here. Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Uncommon Wedding Readings
Eclipse 3.5, software updates, and proxy connections as
Depending on the network environment with Eclipse, there are always problems when you install plug-ins (via the menu Help> Install New Software ... ) and the automatic updating of installed extensions (via Help> Check for Updates
). Reason usually are proxies of the Eclipse did not support use protocols, and spend firewalls that separate certificates for https connections.
If you have the certificate of the firewall (usually a file with the extension *. cer ), you can import it into the keystore of the Java installation. Which Java Installation of Eclipse is used, you can find under About Eclipse> installation details> Configuration
. Under Windows, the call of the
keytool command line command such as
C: \\ \\ Program Files \\ Java jre6 \\ bin \\ import keytool-v
-file PfadZumZertifikat
Another problem is posed
following line:
Depending on the network environment with Eclipse, there are always problems when you install plug-ins (via the menu Help> Install New Software ... ) and the automatic updating of installed extensions (via Help> Check for Updates
). Reason usually are proxies of the Eclipse did not support use protocols, and spend firewalls that separate certificates for https connections.
If you have the certificate of the firewall (usually a file with the extension *. cer ), you can import it into the keystore of the Java installation. Which Java Installation of Eclipse is used, you can find under About Eclipse> installation details> Configuration
. Under Windows, the call of the
keytool command line command such as
C: \\ \\ Program Files \\ Java jre6 \\ bin \\ import keytool-v
-file PfadZumZertifikat
-keystore C: \\ Program Files \\ Java \\ jre6 \\ lib \\ security \\ cacerts Enter the keystore password: changeit
"changeit is the default password of the keystore, if you have not changed. Another problem is posed
NTLMv2 proxy server, since the Eclipse 3.5 can not be directly supported. In addition to the proper setup to add the proxy address and authentication data
under Preferences> General> Network Connections in the file must eclipse.ini (in the Eclipse program directory) at the end
following line:
-Dorge . eclipse.ecf.provider.filetransfer.excludeContributors = org.eclipse.ecf.provider.filetransfer.httpclient it was in Eclipse 3.5 in the above Preferences page also necessary in the "Active provider" set to "Native". In Eclipse 3.5.1 works set to "Manual".
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Wat Do U Need To Get Your New York State I.d
Scala code and a Java application running
Scala compiled bytecode can be easily integrated into existing Java applications. This is possible because the Scala compiler produces normal Java bytecode . As runtime
should come here Java 5.0 or newer to use.
given a scale installation is required. The best take the IzPack installer . The installation directory is in the following example, the scala-2.7.7 ". object Hello extends Application {scala world
HeartOfGold: ~ $
HeartOfGold: ~ $ much java-cp scala-2.7.7/lib/scala-library.jar. Hello world
Scala compiled bytecode can be easily integrated into existing Java applications. This is possible because the Scala compiler produces normal Java bytecode . As runtime
should come here Java 5.0 or newer to use.
given a scale installation is required. The best take the IzPack installer . The installation directory is in the following example, the scala-2.7.7 ". object Hello extends Application {scala world
println ("Hello Scala!")}
This executable singleton object stores it as a file "HalloScalaWelt.scala" which is now translated and performed: HeartOfGold: ~ $
much scalac HalloScalaWelt.scala
HeartOfGold: much ~ $ ls *. class Hello hello world scala $ class HalloScalaWelt.class
HeartOfGold. ~ $ much scala scala hello world Hello Scala! Already any Java beginner in this case it looks familiar commands. Accordingly, we run the generated class files can just be a Java application: HeartOfGold: ~ $ much java-cp scala-2.7.7/lib/scala-library.jar. Hello world
scala Scala Hi!or
On Windows you have the classpath (-cp option
) before the period at the end (current directory) to a semicolon instead of colon. just as easily can be integrated Scala code into existing Java applications. It simply takes the compiled class files and sets
on the classpath - done!
The use of classes between Java and Scala is often, quite simply, as usual, to use the (fully qualified or imported) class name.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Cooking Oil Density .edu
Java ME SDK 3.0 for Mac OS X
The development of applications for Java ME
contains the full SDK as an application that is easily installed by drag and drop into the Applications folder.
The development of applications for Java ME
, the Java platform for mobile devices, was among Mac OS X is a rather difficult topic. Important components of the SDK were missing or were not officially supported (provides instructions for "unofficial" solution, ithere
eg here, here
Three weeks ago, Sun has finally puts
Java ME SDK 3.0 Early Access as
(EA) for Mac OS X 10.5.8 and new releases. The DMG
contains the full SDK as an application that is easily installed by drag and drop into the Applications folder.
The SDK development environment based on the NetBeans platform and enables first time
CLDC development on Mac OS X. Included is also the JavaFX Mobile 1.2.1 emulator.
Can I Be Pregnant In Pokemon Diamond/pearl
VisualVM 2.1
Once released in October, version 1.2 of the monitoring and profiling tool
was followed earlier this week, the bug fix release 1.2.1. Both versions are based on the NetBeans Profiler 6.7.1. is new including the stable version of the "Sampler" plugin that allows quick an easy (but often quite sufficient) CPU and memory profiling be carried out. Like the way this plugin you must also be installed in the menu Tools> Plug-ins:
also you can finally make any necessary proxy settings within VisualVM. Other changes and additions are listed here
Once released in October, version 1.2 of the monitoring and profiling tool
was followed earlier this week, the bug fix release 1.2.1. Both versions are based on the NetBeans Profiler 6.7.1. is new including the stable version of the "Sampler" plugin that allows quick an easy (but often quite sufficient) CPU and memory profiling be carried out. Like the way this plugin you must also be installed in the menu Tools> Plug-ins:
also you can finally make any necessary proxy settings within VisualVM. Other changes and additions are listed here
Monday, November 9, 2009
Shot Put In Equations
Alex reads audio books ...
"It is an honor," he said in a low, soft voice.
"I hope you enjoy your stay, Mr. Chapel."
brought out something else they do not. "No Mister," he said, stroking his thumb over her knuckles as he lifted her hand to his mouth. "Only Chapel."
actually I wanted to write this post so much earlier, but often come thick and then again the events. Well, Alex goes audiobook and it gives me great pleasure today to announce that the first part of the shadow knight series: immortal desire has been already read in the last week of me.
I first wanted to out if everything really is clear - well, then everything went quite fast. Two volumes of the series have been published, a third will appear in December and a fourth in the spring. I have the honor to read all Radioropa.
this, I went so in the last week in the beautiful Eifel region, more precisely to Daun. I spent several days in the studio and I then almost came before himself as a vampire, because I got daylight during this time, only well-measured to see. But I think it was worth it! For all lovers of erotic and suspenseful love story: Against the beginning of December most of the first volume will appear as an audio book. ( http://www.hoerbuchnetz.de/ )
But otherwise I have been sitting during the last not weeks. The university has started again, and Alex goes to Bonn diligently behind the scenes of the new black-yellow government to look. For successful distraction provided there again a few gigs with 1,2 or 3 in Munster and Monheim. But most of all I am looking forward to the 12th and 13 December, because then it goes up the mountain. With more than 1,000 meters, we will then 1,2 or 3 in the Austrian Alpine play, specifically in the beautiful Serfaus, Fiss-Ladis. Two days of fighting teams from Germany, Austria and Switzerland and a week skiing holiday.
So, I'm optimistic and I wish now before all, that the inevitable fall of depression may.
"It is an honor," he said in a low, soft voice.
"I hope you enjoy your stay, Mr. Chapel."
brought out something else they do not. "No Mister," he said, stroking his thumb over her knuckles as he lifted her hand to his mouth. "Only Chapel."
actually I wanted to write this post so much earlier, but often come thick and then again the events. Well, Alex goes audiobook and it gives me great pleasure today to announce that the first part of the shadow knight series: immortal desire has been already read in the last week of me.
I first wanted to out if everything really is clear - well, then everything went quite fast. Two volumes of the series have been published, a third will appear in December and a fourth in the spring. I have the honor to read all Radioropa.
this, I went so in the last week in the beautiful Eifel region, more precisely to Daun. I spent several days in the studio and I then almost came before himself as a vampire, because I got daylight during this time, only well-measured to see. But I think it was worth it! For all lovers of erotic and suspenseful love story: Against the beginning of December most of the first volume will appear as an audio book. ( http://www.hoerbuchnetz.de/ )
But otherwise I have been sitting during the last not weeks. The university has started again, and Alex goes to Bonn diligently behind the scenes of the new black-yellow government to look. For successful distraction provided there again a few gigs with 1,2 or 3 in Munster and Monheim. But most of all I am looking forward to the 12th and 13 December, because then it goes up the mountain. With more than 1,000 meters, we will then 1,2 or 3 in the Austrian Alpine play, specifically in the beautiful Serfaus, Fiss-Ladis. Two days of fighting teams from Germany, Austria and Switzerland and a week skiing holiday.
So, I'm optimistic and I wish now before all, that the inevitable fall of depression may.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Juniors Bright Interview Suits
A jet-set life ;-) I
"Good morning Mr! - If one of Rudi Cerne is so welcomed, but then almost nothing can go wrong. Sunday, Sep 06, 2009, 10:00 clock, airport Cologne / Bonn. Let's go to Piet fin to Berlin. A day 1,2 or 3 live show at the IFA in Berlin and I was announced the middle of it as a moderator.
One wonders, of course, what so many children have no place Sunday afternoon at an electronics fair - Computer games but there was none, but maybe the odd soap star has but already a part of the nursery. were definitely surprised all of us, as we had plenty of feed but in the ZDF state.
Sorry, Piet and I were able, despite copious buffet fish fingers, no longer participate in the mountains hard, because the planes waiting to Cologne did not want - or until we had already waited in Tegel. Great, thanks a lot!
But the busy moderator of today is reflected also do not deal with the parties the nights Ears, but is preparing for the same again before Monday's on next project. There were still two great mouse mania - Events on the program. In Minden and on the wonderful Dycker field in Jüchen's in September gave another two great festivals dedicated to the mouse.
Impressive, to which all places are capable of creativity. The mouse is in town and everything is upside down. Those were eventful days on which I abgeschlabbert beförtert by police dogs, from 8-year-old judoka on the mat and be thrown from head to toe with confetti was. More like this!
Now it is just a little quieter - but the next big project for November is already in the wings - but this next time around.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
What Is Merilyn Sekova New Web Page
lagging ...
Who would have guessed because, can we still experience such a golden September. And in addition to numerous appearances and the unexpectedly beautiful weather, it is not just this blog up to date.
However, I will now tell a little of the past weeks.
course, we have finished the summer tour in Stralsund KI.KA successful - in glorious weather, with wonderful guests on a really great site. Unfortunately I could not stay for the closing party, because I had not put up just before the finale to the toilet.
was After 9-hour trip, it then for me the well deserved beer after our magnificent yacht, which should be for the next 4 days our home and workplace. We had planned for the next few days - after all it was another 4 films for the new season 1,2 or 3 to turn. Had us the weather and a lack of flood does not put a spoke in the works, we should have also had two instead ultimately only a day to refresh our knowledge of sailing. Nevertheless, I have learned many new nodes to get a magnificent sun fire, slept little, laughed a lot and still can not distinguish Lee from Luv.
Back home it was then straight on to Potsdam. The man had sand on the 50th eigeladen, and this makes a snoring nose as I miss, of course. This time was for me the Tigerentenclub show on the program - a first. But thanks to the assistance of Gunther Frog and a good sandwich with jam tickets, we had a wonderful birthday celebration in the film park Babelsberg. Whether it was the sand man or an exciting day I can not say, but then I slept like a rock.
A couple of very interesting weeks and we have just arrived in September. So I will report next time, why Sprinter have hard soles and freeze penguins, although they are barefoot in the ice. The Alex was in fact at 1.2 or 3 on the IFA. But to do more soon. Here, first a few impressions from the IJsselmeer.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
How To Draw The Car Accident
Recent changes in the timetable
following amendments in the timetable for Wednesday , the 09/03/2011
5a, 5c, 5d and 8b 1.Std. fa
Konffliktlotsendienst: Isabel & Tim Phillips
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Find Quickbooks Licsnse Number On Hard Drive
The Ki.KaSommertour 2009, her mountain last weekend already hard and I am unfortunately only now, time to post some impressions.
We were all a little excited and curious how they would establish for our green box on the tour. Accordingly, we were surprised then too, what great success but the whole place with the children. One might assume at first, while children watch "Sesame Street", but if it is then a matter of politics - that is scraping the barrel - and then comes to the question: What would you do if you were Chancellor? - Heard on the interest.
But nothing there! Once again I was blehrt better. Just ask and listen! Will say: A wide range of ideas that bring our country forward. Of solar-powered cars, animal welfare, environmental protection, absolute alcohol and smoking, the abolition of the G8, basic income for all and save the polar bear was all there. Of course, fairies and princesses should also re-introduced and the taxes are lowered, but that's yet to do so. ;-)
was the great idea's but on the last weekend in Mannheim:
ropes all over Germany should be taken so that it can be covered in sunshine the entire country with solar cells. Only airports and tower blocks are left out. So if that's not a new idea is ² emissions to solve our energy crisis, and to Verringerrung of CO, then I know it does not.
Two dates are still to Nuremberg and Stralsund, and maybe I can do it there also some pictures to make - which is there next time in this sense:
A, E, I, O, U
The Ki.KaSommertour 2009, her mountain last weekend already hard and I am unfortunately only now, time to post some impressions.
We were all a little excited and curious how they would establish for our green box on the tour. Accordingly, we were surprised then too, what great success but the whole place with the children. One might assume at first, while children watch "Sesame Street", but if it is then a matter of politics - that is scraping the barrel - and then comes to the question: What would you do if you were Chancellor? - Heard on the interest.
But nothing there! Once again I was blehrt better. Just ask and listen! Will say: A wide range of ideas that bring our country forward. Of solar-powered cars, animal welfare, environmental protection, absolute alcohol and smoking, the abolition of the G8, basic income for all and save the polar bear was all there. Of course, fairies and princesses should also re-introduced and the taxes are lowered, but that's yet to do so. ;-)
was the great idea's but on the last weekend in Mannheim:
ropes all over Germany should be taken so that it can be covered in sunshine the entire country with solar cells. Only airports and tower blocks are left out. So if that's not a new idea is ² emissions to solve our energy crisis, and to Verringerrung of CO, then I know it does not.
Two dates are still to Nuremberg and Stralsund, and maybe I can do it there also some pictures to make - which is there next time in this sense:
A, E, I, O, U
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Friday, August 7, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Keratin Hair Treatmentsafety
The old must stay calm.
Lest you wonder: At the top is now the current band - once more a little recut. Now I start working moderation for the demo.
If you see the old but still want to continue - despite the bunny ears - so it is now here in this small.
Lest you wonder: At the top is now the current band - once more a little recut. Now I start working moderation for the demo.
If you see the old but still want to continue - despite the bunny ears - so it is now here in this small.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
American Dad Family Guy South Park Freestreaming
A new demo video
time has come. I did it. Part 1 of my new campaign is a new Application-band; first as an actor. A new moderation demo will hopefully follow in the coming days.
Looking through my whole spectacle material to me then but have noticed: I play too much with dolls ;-)
Aben well, who can play with dolls, there should also create with real people in front of the camera , excel or?
I would be delighted if you would write me some impressions. I'm always interested in constructive criticism. So have fun watching.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Letter Of Intent Template For Graduate School
Welcome to "Sesame Street"
With this sentence I am from 26 July hopefully welcome thousands of children are allowed to arrive in the KIKA Sommer Tour 2009. About Next weekend we go and I'm really curious to see how full it will be this year. After I last year, my singing talents on the main stage have shown, tarry I am right in the hustle and bustle, right on the square, in the "Sesame Street" Greenbox.
The stage will thus be a green box in which the children like real "logo!" TV studio feel to it. A short introductory moderation, a political statement or a wild roller coaster ride? Everything is in there. And for the big green box, the principle is certainly still a surprise or two at hand.
So if you want to stop by and admission is free as usual! There
dates and details, visit http://www.kika.de/
Who does not like to wait that long, can already look at next Saturday at the season opening of the VFL Bochum over. There is the 1.2 or 3 live show.
I wish you a fantastic summer!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
How Much Are .44 Desert Eagles
Firefox 3.5 now load: Ten Reasons for the new browser
Mozilla Goes for big leap generation: instead of modest version 3.0 to version 3.1 switch to Firefox, the developers for a jump to version 3.5 decided. The reason: The major release is to highlight the extent of changes from previous version.
fact, with the new Firefox brings a long list of exciting features: more speed, improved data protection, Internet-GPS, and video and audio content with no additional plug-ins are among the novelties.
* Download Firefox 3.5 German version
Mozilla Goes for big leap generation: instead of modest version 3.0 to version 3.1 switch to Firefox, the developers for a jump to version 3.5 decided. The reason: The major release is to highlight the extent of changes from previous version.
fact, with the new Firefox brings a long list of exciting features: more speed, improved data protection, Internet-GPS, and video and audio content with no additional plug-ins are among the novelties.
- The developers have made the new generation of Firefox much faster. These are largely the now standard enabled TraceMonkey JavaScript accelerator and the enhanced program code responsible for representation. Compared to its predecessors, the new Firefox can thus improve our benchmarks in some cases significantly.
- had so far with the Firefox session only restore a crashed completely. From version 3.5, choose selectively from before the rescue attempt to recover what elements of the browser. This feature can prevent a single faulty side frustrated the attempt to restore the entire session.
- will restore option recently closed tabs now supplemented by a window-restore function. A mistake closed Firefox window set by this function to restore all tabs.
- the Firefox address bar (AwesomeBar) added in version 3.5 also received a minor update. By entering the character "^", "*", "+" or "@" shows only the results from Awesombar browser history, bookmarks, assigned keywords or web address. The filter characters are combined with each other to enable more targeted searches.
- standard-related surfing - or Location Aware Browsing - allows the browser to communicate to a web page to your site. A security check prevents that information without your knowledge be sent. This demonstration shows Firefox 3.5, our position in the Google Maps correctly. Resourceful developers can now exciting web applications for this clever function schaffen.Internet videos and music that are in the free Ogg Theora format, the Firefox immediately and without additional plug-ins to play (such as Flash). In this way, embedded media, the user can easily save the context menu.
- A similar feature is available in the Chronicle-administration. cause by right-clicking on unsolicited messages the new Firefox, specifically to mention websites.
- Another point that you make in the organization and Privacy Policy his arms upheld, the targeted deletion of the chronicle (history). A new option to specify whether the browser remember the last hour, the last four hours or the entire course of the day is.
- sections of the revised Privacy settings from version 3.5 to an even finer, the browser will store data for how long. This benefits the shiftable automatic deletion.
- From version 3.5 of Firefox has a new security feature, the private mode. You either start it with the key combination [Ctrl] + [SHIFT] + [P] or on the Tools menu. Resulting data from Web pages you view in this mode, secure, Firefox only for the duration of the private session. This includes, most recently visited pages (Chronicle), search queries, download history, Internet files, form fields in input data, cookies, and temporary. Uploaded files and newly created bookmarks are exempt from this rule and are available after completion of the private session still available.
* Download Firefox 3.5 German version
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Letters To Study Abroad
Soon it is time again
comes the summer!
Is it ever happened to you: It is 22:30 clock, you are tired and exhausted, on TV's up and running again nothing, all books are read out and again makes beginning with 'the perfume' is meaningless. So it puts you to bed, sets the alarm clock, deletes the ...... Light and then it happens, it's still HELL! My God, have I missed something? Does climate change is now also already on the path of the sun? If you have installed outside the bedroom window, street lights, no time to point out the tenants? No! The answer is as simple as (her) obvious. It's summer and we have not noticed it.
a good feeling, the white knuckle put back into an airy trousers and to start the evening until 21:00 clock.
start of summer for me whenever I send someone the KI.KA summer tour dates of the season. No idea why. It is. Maybe because it means KI.KA SUMMER tour, perhaps because I see then on that summer's over? Who knows.
This year it was a few days again: "... And it was summer ...!"
Since Oli but a small Krativpause lodges, I will tour with the newsroom through the Republic and ask if you are up to date: "Can you Chancellor?"
What exactly is this all about, because you are asked to wait a little longer. The courses I ever tell:
26th July: Bochum
02 August: Berlin
09th August: Mannheim
16th August: Nuremberg
23rd August: Stralsund
And as a little taster there is a look back at last year's. Have fun!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Watery Cm Periods Late
Firefox 3.5 Beta 4 Download
Mozilla has completed the fourth beta of the upcoming Firefox 3.5. It is now available to us to download. Also on board is the new TraceMonkey JavaScript engine, which accelerates the browser much. Also contains Firefox 3.5 many adjustments and enhancements such as the Private Browsing mode.
In this mode, the browser stores no personal information, such as cookies or web history, so you can surf the web without leaving traces on the computer.
integrated, a new feature to play videos, which are based on the HTML5 tags. This can be played without the prior installation of plugins like Quicktime or Flash. So far, Firefox only supports the Ogg Theora and Ogg Vorbis.
Also new is the so-called "Location Aware Browsing" is. With the permission of the user web applications can now ask for its location and personalized services such as Route planning to offer.
According to Mozilla, this fourth beta now finally be his last before the release of Firefox 3.5. A date for the same is yet to be set.
regard to the downloads: Firefox 3.1 Beta 4 is a test version for testing purpose and its stability is not guaranteed. Do you want to be sure to point, once you stay in Firefox 3 (see Downloads), until Firefox 3.5 is ready.
>>> Download here ...
Mozilla has completed the fourth beta of the upcoming Firefox 3.5. It is now available to us to download. Also on board is the new TraceMonkey JavaScript engine, which accelerates the browser much. Also contains Firefox 3.5 many adjustments and enhancements such as the Private Browsing mode.
In this mode, the browser stores no personal information, such as cookies or web history, so you can surf the web without leaving traces on the computer.
integrated, a new feature to play videos, which are based on the HTML5 tags. This can be played without the prior installation of plugins like Quicktime or Flash. So far, Firefox only supports the Ogg Theora and Ogg Vorbis.
Also new is the so-called "Location Aware Browsing" is. With the permission of the user web applications can now ask for its location and personalized services such as Route planning to offer.
According to Mozilla, this fourth beta now finally be his last before the release of Firefox 3.5. A date for the same is yet to be set.
regard to the downloads: Firefox 3.1 Beta 4 is a test version for testing purpose and its stability is not guaranteed. Do you want to be sure to point, once you stay in Firefox 3 (see Downloads), until Firefox 3.5 is ready.
>>> Download here ...
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