"Good morning Mr! - If one of Rudi Cerne is so welcomed, but then almost nothing can go wrong. Sunday, Sep 06, 2009, 10:00 clock, airport Cologne / Bonn. Let's go to Piet fin to Berlin. A day 1,2 or 3 live show at the IFA in Berlin and I was announced the middle of it as a moderator.

were definitely surprised all of us, as we had plenty of feed but in the ZDF state.
Sorry, Piet and I were able, despite copious buffet fish fingers, no longer participate in the mountains hard, because the planes waiting to Cologne did not want - or until we had already waited in Tegel. Great, thanks a lot!
But the busy moderator of today is reflected also do not deal with the parties the nights Ears, but is preparing for the same again before Monday's on next project. There were still two great mouse mania - Events on the program. In Minden and on the wonderful Dycker field in Jüchen's in September gave another two great festivals dedicated to the mouse.
Impressive, to which all places are capable of creativity. The mouse is in town and everything is upside down. Those were eventful days on which I abgeschlabbert beförtert by police dogs, from 8-year-old judoka on the mat and be thrown from head to toe with confetti was. More like this!

Now it is just a little quieter - but the next big project for November is already in the wings - but this next time around.
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