Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Community Service Letters Recommendation

HTML with CSS Accesskey represent

with the standard HTML attribute accesskey allows keyboard shortcuts (shortcuts) to define with whom you can set the input focus to the associated input elements:
 \u0026lt;label for = "last_name"  accesskey = " n "> Name: \u0026lt;/ label> 
\u0026lt;input id = "last_name" type = "text">
Which key combination is set, the focus is browser-and system-dependent. The above code to enable the IE / Win with Alt + N, in Firefox / Win with Shift + Alt + N, in Firefox / Mac, Ctrl + N, in Safari / Mac, Ctrl + Alt + N. ..

course, one should also show the user that keyboard shortcuts are available. Man, this information can still write once statically in the HTML source code (in addition to accesskey attribute). With a simple CSS2 rule, but can do without such redundant information and allow the shortcut label at all represent elements for which accesskey
label [accesskey]: after {
content: is set "[" attr (accesskey) "]";
text-transform: uppercase;
color: # 999999;
font-size: x-small;

} The CSS rule is based primarily on a single attribute selector and a pseudo-element . This is according to (: after ) each label element in which the accesskey attribute is present, the value of the attribute in upper case ( uppercase ) in the document content ( content ) added:

these techniques are On quite old, the appropriate standards were formally adopted years ago (the HTML 4.01 specification is more than 10 years, CSS 2 as well). What makes this issue again today?

Google recently announced , from 1 March this year, older browser versions and in particular the Internet Explorer 6 (IE6) to no longer support in its Web applications. This
- actually long overdue - step should also move to other suppliers, newer versions of IE (or alternatives such as Firefox ) assumed. And it could finally IE users of Web standards such as the attribute selectors That benefit the IE6 unfortunately ignored for years.


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